Saturday, April 11, 2009

Support the Somali Pirates!

Argh! Yes, we are all pirates! If you're bringing Siemens electronics into the US from forced, Jewish slave labor in the Holocaust, I'll be there waiting. I'll raid your ship, cut your throat in your sleep, and then your nazi ass sink to the bottom of the atlantic. If you hire sweatshop factories in third world countries, to produce electronics and DVDs and computers, I'll raid your shit. I'll raid it, and then redistribute it so that anyone can have it. And if you're in the Southeast, taking goods into and out of third-world dictatorships, I'll be there, too. Or, at least, another pirate will be, and he'll take your captain hostage, as I laugh, stink of whiskey on my breath, marijuana smoke drifting out of my nostrils.

Viva la piracy, everywhere! Death to fascists! Death to the overseers, managers, dictators, and owners of sweatshops and forced labor camps! Death to their assistants, their accomplices, their armies, their navies! VIVE LA PIRACY!

1 comment:

  1. hey man thanks for the good uploads. i have a quite a few of yours. i've been looking for an artist called Odd Nosdam on torrents but no luck yet. theres a website called but they're another one of those site with no more memberships available. any advice? oh and blog about how lame LOST is.
