Monday, July 6, 2009

I, BloodLogic, Hereby Resign

I'm resigning.

After two and a half years of Operation: Massive Information Leak, I now resign. In many ways, I was dissatisfied with the rule of torrent site administrators. And in many other ways, I'm still in complete awe of the brilliance and cunning of many in the p2p community.

My interest in this whole thing started out when I was very young. From one of my favorite filesharing communities, I yanked a copy of Grand Theft Auto. I spent endless days and days playing that thing. But what gave it a meaningful quality is how I got it: from the warm, tendered heart of a p2p filesharer.

I wanted to give back, and not just by "seeding a lot." I wanted to creatively give back. That's where "Operation: Massive Information Leak" came from. Honestly? I just picked the most frightening-sounding words to describe a long, steady stream of pirated material. And now, after two and a half years, I think I'm done paying the p2p community back.

You may see me again, in these filesharing worlds. But it won't be on thepiratebay, and it definitely will not be under the name "BloodLogic." It's time to put the name, and its deeds, to eternal rest.

Final Stats...

Total Torrents: 79
Total Size of Torrents: 430.12 Gigabytes (~860 hours)
Total Seeders: 2,353 Seeders
Total Leachers: 4,549 Leechers

One last time, just as the name starts to sound classy...


Monday, June 22, 2009

Adventures of Pete and Pete - Seasons 1-3+Extras (Complete!)

Get it now!



Monday, June 8, 2009

Curb Your Enthusiasm - Seasons 1-6+Extras(DVDRip)



Good evening, to my friends, fans, and readers,

Your torrent selection is Curb Your Enthusiasm - Seasons 1-6+Extras. Not a bad choice, not bad at all. I'm here to remind you about the seeding schedule: I'll be seeding this torrent for a few hours here, few there, but not all the time. So if the seeders drops to zero, don't fret! I'll be back seeding in no time.

Also, I'd like to take this time to recommend you to some of my other great torrents, all full of complete collections and full seasons: Delocated, 12 Oz. Mouse, the Assistant, Home Movies, Freak Show, Free For All, and plenty of others. Of course there's popular stuff like Family Guy and Aqua Teen Hunger Force. Enjoy!


Thursday, June 4, 2009

12 Oz. Mouse, seasons 1-3, plus extras

12 Oz. Mouse, seasons 1-3, plus extras:




Monday, June 1, 2009

Reefer Madness (1936) - Colorized and Original!




Saturday, May 9, 2009

Delocated - Season 1 + Extras (Complete)

Highly recommended new television show from adultswim. It's hilarious.


Thursday, April 30, 2009

Muppet Babies - Seasons 1-7+Extras (complete)

Get it here!


This torrent is dedicated to Bernard Monroe, a seventy-three year old black man, suffering from throat cancer, who was shot to death by white police officers at his own home, in March of 2009. It happened during a family barbecue, and multiple witnesses have testified that officers planted a gun on the victim. Yeah, sure, a seventy-three year old, cancer patient, at a family gathering, is going to pull a rifle on a police officer that shows up. I'm not seeing any district attorney or judge file murder charges against the officer yet. If any other person did that, they'd be counting their fingernails on the floor of the police interrogation room. But this cop is still on the streets, still preying upon the people. We can't change the past, but we need to change the future.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

in response to the convictions against thepiratebay:

Long live, thepiratebay. I couldn't believe that verdict when I heard it. The legal precedents that they're completely ignoring makes such a trial more of a farce than the most beggardly witch hunt of the Dark ages. It clearly shows you that the courts, the juries, the judges, and the entire system work for one class: those wealthy enough to buy their way out. In the words of Anacharsis, "The written laws are like a spiderweb; they catch the weak and poor, but are broken by the rich and mighty." My right to freedom, liberty, and equal protection of the laws are important -- more important than some pathetic case brought by the RIAA. Europe hasn't seen such a disgusting a revolting day since Galileo was dragged across Europe with a festering illness; we look back to that day with shame, that we didn't do more to destroy the power structures. Today, with the conviction against thepiratebay, suspicions about government being controlled by a first-class can be cast out -- they are no longer suspicions, but demonstrable facts.

Death to Capitalism! Death to the state and all laws!
Long live thepiratebay!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Monsters - Seasons 1-3 (Complete)

grab it!

at tpb:
at mininova:

This torrent is dedicated to Robbie Tolan, shot while unarmed by police in his own driveway. Where the hell are all these rednecks and NRA nutbags who always talk about "our right to bear arms is so we can be protected from the state"? Well, as far as I see it, the state is killing people openly in the streets, and none of the officers are being charged with murder. Instead of practicing what they preach, these National-Rifle-Association dirtbags are only responsible when a three year old girl blows her head off while messing with her father's gun cabinet. Yes, those guns need to be at home, in the hands of your daughter's corpse, as the police are uninhibited in the slaughter of the common people. And yet, there is no attempted murder charge! A grand jury has been planned to whitewash the whole incident, and at best, shooting someone in the chest is aggravated assault!! He'll get a week's paid vacation and then be back on the force, killing blacks again in no time. That's because it's not a crime for the police to murder and oppress the people -- it's the government's accepted policy. The fourteenth amendment is very clear: equal enforcement of the law before all citizens. But if you're poor and broke, shooting someone in the chest gets you fifteen years. If you're a cop, you get a week of vacation, and then rehired. At anywhere in the structure of the government, there's a chance for someone to do something. The district attorney could press charges, the police officers could make an arrest of their murdering brethren, the governor could order trials, the judges could sign warrants of arrest -- but when a black man is gunned down at his own home by the police, everyone with power knows how to shut up! Throw those marijuana users into prison, but keep those murdering pigs on our streets. You can either disarm the police, or enforce the laws against them that they break. If your government can't do that, then there's no such thing as an innocent participant in your state. In the words of Martin Luther King, "THOSE WHO MAKE PEACEFUL REVOLUTION IMPOSSIBLE, MAKE VIOLENT REVOLUTION NECESSARY!"

Friday, April 17, 2009

Andy Richter Controls The Universe + Andy Barker, PI (All Seasons-Complete)

Torrents, torrents, everywhere I look...


Wednesday, April 15, 2009

The Head - Seasons 1-2 + Extras (Complete)

Now available, at a torrent near you!


Saturday, April 11, 2009

Support the Somali Pirates!

Argh! Yes, we are all pirates! If you're bringing Siemens electronics into the US from forced, Jewish slave labor in the Holocaust, I'll be there waiting. I'll raid your ship, cut your throat in your sleep, and then your nazi ass sink to the bottom of the atlantic. If you hire sweatshop factories in third world countries, to produce electronics and DVDs and computers, I'll raid your shit. I'll raid it, and then redistribute it so that anyone can have it. And if you're in the Southeast, taking goods into and out of third-world dictatorships, I'll be there, too. Or, at least, another pirate will be, and he'll take your captain hostage, as I laugh, stink of whiskey on my breath, marijuana smoke drifting out of my nostrils.

Viva la piracy, everywhere! Death to fascists! Death to the overseers, managers, dictators, and owners of sweatshops and forced labor camps! Death to their assistants, their accomplices, their armies, their navies! VIVE LA PIRACY!

Friday, April 10, 2009

Secret World of Alex Mack, The - Complete

Uploading seasons 1-4 of the Secret World of Alex Mack. One of the seasons is a perfect DVD rip of my own. The others were gathered from the surrounding P2P community. Grab it here:

Also, if anyone wants to adopt a torrent, two torrents come to mind as needing seeders: "Free For All," and "The Assistant.":
For the moment, access my torrents via my two user-pages:

complete listing:

partial listing:

I talk so much, I deserve a fucking blog.

May as well have a gathering area for fellow P2Pers and pirates, so that we can discuss tactics, strategy, and work together cooperatively; we will turn the internet into a means for elevating and enlightening the common people, who would otherwise have been refused this information.

If we can make all knowledge readily available and free, then we can solve all problems -- forced child labor in third world nations, militarist dictatorships supported by presidents and prime ministers -- imperialism, capitalism, fascism, statism. These are all marks of an era past, and once the people have all knowledge, unimpeded, at their finger tips, these social ills will cease to exist.

In Solidarity,
For Anarchy and Workers,